So who is Meow All Day Long?
This poster seems like a former Apprentice contestant. Someone who didn't win (based on the comment about loser lodge). So who is he/she? I know it's not Brent because if it was he wouldn't shut the...
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It's ABSURD!!! ABSURD I say!!! I was 5 and 2....FIVE AND TWO!!!! This is just simply ABSURD!!!!!
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So, we never got any closer to figuring out who Meow was. I'm sticking with my earlier guess of Tana, or Kristine from this season.
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Well...Meow did put centerfolds in some of her maybe Kristine....
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The dead giveaway was when I found out that her ghostie name was CourtneyThorne-Meow.
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Kristine is a good guess. She was a Trump victim, sort of. Though she sort of did it to herself by refusing to work with Heidi.
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Maybe we scared her away...Fairy Carey sure didn't stay here too long!!!
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Was it ApprenticeCarey, or Apprentice Carey? I know he popped up a few days ago, but forgot where. And Meow All Day Long, it's time to 'fess up, and tell us who you are. Derek? If Meow isn't seeing...
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I was thinking it was Jenn, the one no one remembers from this season. She and Derek are BFFs.
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I wonder why she's so shy? Derek and Carey at least both told us who they were. And Derek is a regular Suckster with his bitchy (in a good way) comments.
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Meow is the very pretty Jenn Hoffman, from Season 6:
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Siggy, sweetie, I am more impressed by your chopping ability all the time. I am positively GREEN with envy.
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